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Master's Thesis: The Impact of Social Housing on Ireland's Housing Crisis msc datasci

Thesis for MSc in Data Analytics.

An evaluation and analysis into the causal factors of the housing crisis in Ireland with predictions of potential future trajectories.

Domain: Impact of social housing on Ireland’s housing crisis.


This report examines the causal factors of the housing crisis in Ireland, investigating the claims made through a wide body of literature and ultimately analysing the impact and importance of social housing on general rental affordability specifically. While there is much academic literature on the subject there is little in the way of quantitative data analysis detailing the links between affordability and social housing, or any causal factor for that matter. This report finds a very strong correlation between the amount of new social housing built and the affordability of broader private rental costs in the following years, backed up by research by several studies such as Byrne & Norris (2017). The findings of the report also show that the Irish governments Housing For All plan is too little, too late, providing only a mitigating effect against the steep decline in affordability observed since the recession. This indicates that a much more rigorous and broad plan of action will be needed to increase housing supply, decrease rental costs, and increase incomes in order to dramatically improve the affordability of private rental accommodation within the Irish housing market so that it can, at least, return to the levels that it was at a decade ago.

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