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Pedestrian Traffic Analysis msc datasci

Analysis of Daily Pedestrian Traffic for O’Connel st., Henry st., Mary st., and Cape; st. from 2015.

Domain: Transport.


Scenario: Transport and Infrastructure
A large amount of data has been collected by Dublin City Council (DCC) regarding Transport and Infrastructure in the Greater Dublin Area, This data is available at:
You are required to choose a particular area of interest and formulate the appropriate questions for modelling and analysis. For Example (but not limited to):

You are required to collect, process, analyse and interpret the data in order to identify possible issues/problems at present and make predictions/ classifications in regards to the future. This analysis will rely on the available data from DCC and any additional data you deem necessary (with supporting evidence) to support your hypothesis for this scenario. This will require you to employ critical analysis of not only the domain of choice but also for the regression and or classification that you undertake.

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