Game Designer & Developer

Game Dev

Agriculture Predictions & Dashboard msc datasci

Comparison and Prediction of Agricultural Imports and Exports between Ireland, Austria, and Portugal.

Domain: Agriculture.


Agriculture hasn’t always been an industry people associate with big data analytics or data centers, but that’s changing. From time immemorial, farmers have been quick to turn to new technologies that allow them to improve their crop yields and work more efficiently. As big data analytics have become more widely available across industries, many farmers and companies in the agricultural sector are using those tools in an effort to become more productive and competitive.

(Mathews K, 2019)

You have been tasked with analysing Ireland’s Agricultural data and comparing the Irish Agri sector with other countries worldwide. This analysis should also include forecasting, sentiment analysis and evidence based recommendations for the sector as well as a complete rationale of the entire process used to discover your findings. Your Research could include (but not excluding any other topic EXCEPT Climate change), export, import, trade imbalance, arable production, animal stock, medicinal input, organic, gm products etc. with Ireland as your base line.


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