Game Designer & Developer

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Big Data NLP msc datasci

Analysis & forecast of Twitter sentiment in Dublin surrounding vaccination for the Years of 2020 and 2021.

Domain: Distributed big data temporal NLP sentiment analysis.


In this continuous assessment, You are required to identify and carry out an analysis of a large dataset gleaned from the twitter API. Instructions for accessing the data can be found here
OR You may use the data held here:

You must collect at least 1 year’s tweets on a topic, this data should be stored as requested below, and you are then required to analyse any change sentiment that occurs over the time period that you have selected.

Following your analysis you are then required to make a forecast of the sentiment at 1 week, 1 month and 3 months going forward. This forecast must be displayed as a dynamic dashboard.

You may choose any topic that you wish to analyse EXCEPT for crypto-currency and financial or commodity stocks.

Your project must incorporate the following elements:

Source Code
