Game Designer & Developer

Game Dev

Transmission: Impossible jam

Transmission: Impossible


This is a game I made for the 2018 Global Game Jam


You are an elite 80’s hacker trying to break into a top secret network. The game is a 3D, top-down, grid-based, turn-based, stealth game that controls similar to the old Rogue and Nethack games. You can move in one of four directions at a time and every time you move all of the enemies also take a move. There are two types of enemies and one environmental hazard: The Patroller, who marches his beat endlessly, will shoot you full of lasers on sight; The Sentry, who stands stock still only turning in place, will also fire at you if you stand in front of them; And the Mines which will blast to fragments should you step on them… of course mines are pretty indiscriminate. Make your way through a labyrinth of corridors and mine fields, avoiding the gaze of enemies, and find the last network port left unguarded. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to be totally radical!


Gameplay Demo

Source Code


